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Local mp4 to webm converter: Miro videoconverter

screenrecorder that can save to gif mp4 etc: screentogif

cool scripts to create signs ( neon style this example ) codepen

to use webm's on your maps, you need to convert gif's to mp4 first (if there is no x and y size in the webm, trackmania does not eat / display it, gif's seem not to pass x and y size to the rendered webm video) >> so if you use screentogif, save as mp4 >> convert to webm with the miro video converter.

Upload the webm to a host that supports direct download, choose your sign in editor, and paste url in the painter tool.

to check if your url is baked in , open the gbx file with notepas++ or similar end check the first few lines for your url.

you should see somethign like that: https://pastebin.com/UKWJBSrH


Did that. :) https://trackmania.exchange/threads/89/parallax-arrows?page=-1


It works on Maniapark by the way,

I have no idea how to resolve that. Inside my .zip, i can find Arch_1x_#01.Shape.gbx. I don't understand.


Hey Aurel,

looks to me like the reference requires you to put all files into a seperate "Items" folder, since it looks like your importer uses relative paths to reference files.

Issue while uploading items  

Hello, I uploaded my zip file name Evolutive.zip but i have an issue. For information, i did all my items inside another root folder before named "2020DecoBlock" , copied everything , rename to Evolutive then zip.

Link Problem  


I made this pack : https://item.mania.exchange/set/view/253

i look "Maps containing Items of this Set"

i choose a map name and i clik on it and... bad link

the last map in the list " New Horizon", it's my map, i clik on the name of may map and the link is bad ( i have this link for my map : https://tm.mania.exchange/


because the real link is : https://trackmania.exchange/maps/1895/new-horizon

it's same for others map, bad link each time.

and more, it's same for all my packs


Once you have locators set up via maniacdn, you can share your pack of signs over on TMX. There's a dedicated forum for Sign Packs: https://trackmania.exchange/forums/11/sign-packs


Ah, perfect. And the page even gives you the .loc files. Very awesome. Thank you!


Hey Tekay,

unfortunately not. There's no page yet to share signs, however, if you have a signpack ready, you can upload and host it e.g. over maniacdn. That way your signs would work online and load for other players.

Are Parallax signs welcome here too?  

I've got a set of 16 signs I want to share somewhere to use in my map as well as to make it available for others. So far this page is about 3D models, so I'm not sure whether those Parallax graphics are okay to upload as well. Are they?