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Welcome to ItemExchange!

This is the new home to all 3D models for the games Trackmania and Shootmania. Please report bugs in the forum.

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 Welcome to ItemExchange!

Welcome to ItemExchange!

This is the new home to all 3D models for the games Trackmania and Shootmania. Please report bugs in the forum.

To get an overview of all (new) features on IX, feel free to read this thread.

The project was started in August 2019 and finalized at the end of May 2020. Kickoff and Development was lead by Ozon and strongly supported with very valuable feedback and ideas by eyebo, xrayjay and later thaumictom! This project would also not have been possible without a brand new, universal parser called ManiaplanetSharp, written and adjusted to our needs by Solux.

We hope you like what we have created. We'd love you to leave some feedback in this thread! Happy meshing and mapping!

- the ItemExchange team (   Ozon ,   Solux,   eyebo,   xrayjay,   ThaumicTom )

 Newest Items
 Bonkend-noBug   uBm (-)   (-)  (-)
 wow_spring_medium   uBm (-)   (-)  (-)
 Simple Black Block!   Prizzly (-)   (-)  (-)
 Excavator (Bagger)   FaillordXD (-)   (-)  (-)
 Roller   FaillordXD (-)   (-)  (-)
 Truck   FaillordXD (-)   (-)  (-)
 Crane   FaillordXD (-)   (-)  (-)
 Bulldozer   FaillordXD (-)   (-)  (-)
 Newest Sets
 HB1x1TurnsButOut   yrolg  1  (-)  (-)
 HalfBank2Flat1x1   yrolg  1  (-)  (-)
 Firework Macroblocks   Vanilla Mapping... (-)   (-)  (-)
 Best Sets of the Month
 CanyonArenaBankedExtensions   Rexasaurus  8  (-)   4
 AdniBob Block Set   Adnibhaal  8   32    2
 Wet Road   Aries__90  3   1   (-)
 SlopeTopCurves   yrolg  2  (-)  (-)
 BislopePlatformTriangle   Maoaana  2  (-)  (-)
 HalfBank2Flat1x1   yrolg  1  (-)  (-)
 HB1x1TurnsButOut   yrolg  1  (-)  (-)
 Most used Items of the Month
 Launcher   flamecron (-)    9   (-)