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 Can't upload a new pack because item already exist
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Can't upload a new pack because item already exist  

I want to upload an item pack but that is not possible because of names of items inside my pack are similar to another pack that i did. Items are however different


Hey Aurel,

we check for item parameters and want to eliminate duplicate parameters. It should work just fine if you could change your item name.

Location: DE

My items are called similar because i only changed texture. I don't expect to change names of each items. I have 1250items whose 250 are unique others are just different because of textures

How that works ? we can't upload item if we use the same name from the whole bank of itemexchange or that only concerns from a same user ?


exactly: no name duplicates by the same user.

Reason is that you can search single items and items have no UID (thanks Nadeo)

Location: DE