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Board Track (updated: original road physics)

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Start Finish Checkpoint Transition Road Ground Intersection

Updated Board Track Itemset: Nadeo changed the physics of all wood surfaces, so the old itemset has now very different physics. I decided to leave the old itemset online but to also upload an updated itemset with road physics. The new itemset has still the same wood visuals but road physics again. This is done with a different layer for visual and collidable geometries.

The old itemset which has the new wood physics now can be found here: https://item.exchange/set/view/12064

Board Tracks were a popular type of race track in the United States during the 1910s and 1920s. They were essentially Velodromes for automobile racing and motorcycle racing. They were quick to build but each only lasted a few years because of the wooden surface. The high bankings allowed very high speeds for the time. Board Tracks vanished during the Great Depression, when Dirt Tracks became more popular.

I tried to realize the concept of Board Tracks for Trackmania with this itemset. What distingushes these items from common blocks are the high banking, the wide turns and the smooth transitions between the non-banked straights and the banking in the turns. The wood surface functions like road but with an unique sound and look. The items are probably used best for very fast tracks.

How to use: Extract the "Board Track" folder into the Documents/Trackmania/Items folder.

Note on shadow bugs: Shadow bugs shouldn't be a problem in most cases, however is some cases not fully understood yet they can occur. In such cases they are made worse by using the morning or evening light settings. If shadowbugs occur, I recommend daytime light setting, and to check if a specific other item overlaps with the Board Tracks items. Removing such an item can remove the shadow bugs, but I don't fully understand yet under which exact circumstances such an overlap causes shadow bugs.

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